We help entrepreneurs and project leaders to develop their ideas and turn them into reality. Without trying to make everyone be an entrepreneur but rather ensuring that potential entrepreneurs can lead their motivation and desire to create their own business, this project covers the different stages of creating and starting a business (social business or conventional business) as well as training and promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit. Working together today to help your business to emerge tomorrow.
Nous aidons les entrepreneurs et les porteurs de projets à développer leurs idées et les transformer en réalité. Sans chercher à faire que tout le monde soit un entrepreneur mais plutôt en assurant que les potentiels entrepreneurs puissent donner lieu à leur motivation et envie de créer leur propre entreprise, ce projet couvre les différentes étapes de la création et mise en marche d’une entreprise (entreprise sociale ou entreprise conventionnelle) ainsi que la formation et la promotion de l’esprit entrepreneurial. Travaillons ensemble aujourd’hui pour aider votre entreprise à voir le jour demain.
GLOBART www.globart.es through its line of work on entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship as development tools, is developing a project related to the world of cycling since 2016, promoting its use as an economic and environmentally responsible mode of transport.
The sustainable mobility project is developed by GLOBART in collaboration with the social business incubator SocentLabo www.socentlabo.org
The objective of the project is the creation and implementation of a self-sustainable to give access to sustainable mobility through a system based on the social business model, which seeks to ensure that the project is not only self-sufficient in terms of the investment it requires, but also seeks to approach the people most disadvantaged, excluded and without resources, and offer them the help and resources for their development from the most basic.
This model of social enterprise in which the benefits are reinvested in the project to expand its reach are based on the model of micro credits for individuals of extreme poverty in Bangladesh, created by Muhammad Yunus, which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2006. This aid model has been shown to be more sustainable in the medium and long term than merely economic aid, since it generates wealth from the base.
The project started in 2016. It contemplates several phases of technical and technological development for the continuous improvement of the proposed solutions (electric bicycles and trailers) as well as in the business model developed by GLOBART and SocentLabo.
We have already executed the prototyping stage of trailers and hitch (includes accessories, electrical system, etc.) as well as the testing phase of the different business models that we launched at the beginning of 2018 and are giving good results, having a social impact on the community and being economically profitable.
We have initially implemented a pilot in Senegal that we have replicated successfully.
At the end of 2018, we will have our own photovoltaic installation, maintenance and repairs workshops and we will start a logistic service system with trailers and traditional and electric bicycles.
We already have our own fleet of bicycles in operation in Senegal and soon in Morocco. We are continuously expanding the fleet of sustainable and clean vehicles.
This project that involves many entities, among them, we can mention the ASLTOM Foundation, Bicicletas sin Fronteras, A Pedales Africa, the ICAI Foundation, ESNE (University School – Design, Innovation and Technology), the Polytechnic University of Madrid and many volunteers.
The project includes the implementation and realization of various activities to promote the use of the bicycle as a development tool and a low cost alternative, clean and sustainable for the transportation of persons and goods.