We help entrepreneurs and project leaders to develop their ideas and turn them into reality. Without trying to make everyone be an entrepreneur but rather ensuring that potential entrepreneurs can lead their motivation and desire to create their own business, this project covers the different stages of creating and starting a business (social business or conventional business) as well as training and promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit. Working together today to help your business to emerge tomorrow.
This project seeks to facilitate access to the art in its different ways of expression to all. Whether it’s theater, music, dance, etc. our proposal is to move the art to where people cannot access or cannot move easily (hospitals, rural areas, retirement homes, etc.). By this way, we provide a universal access to art in all its forms.
From the very first day, GLOBART has been promoting voluntary work. “Volunteering, a tool for development” is a project that promotes and encourages voluntary work. This way, GLOBART activities are realized by all for all. The proposed voluntary activities are mainly artistic and creative following the essence of the organization, namely “to improve the living conditions of people through art.”
Designed to promote Fair Trade initiatives developed in East Africa, GLOBART made the project “Fair Trade alternative for development” that supports and strengthens existing initiatives and new creation. We focus on producing entities (cooperatives, independent production,…) in the place of origin and also for social inclusion and employment of people with disabilities in Spain. We open new markets for Fair Trade products and communicate fundamental values to contribute to a better world.
Not all the children can enjoy the same living conditions. To fight for the respect of Children Rights and improve the daily lives of the neediest children, this project proposes to use art as communication channel. The project “Children of the World” is universally claiming for the respect of Children Rights.